The reason I love weekends, well, the reason everyone likes weekend, is that you get to do what you like to do. Especially if you are beyond the running your children to sporting events, birthday parties, etc. With that stage done, most of the things we do on the weekends is stuff we choose to do. Of course, when the time comes to actually do it, you may have second thoughts…I totally get why elderly people stay home so much… they are living their best life!
Yesterday, I went wine tasting with the hubby and some friends of ours. The day started with brunch at one of our favorite restaurants and then on to a wine event at Alexana Vinyards in the Dundee Hills AVA… they had valet parking which was really nice because it was seriously drizzly. Then because we were so close, we ran over to Lange Winery and had a charcuterie board and tasting. We whiled away a good portion of the afternoon, just talking and relaxing in front of a fire. It was lovely. After departing from the winery, our friends went home while we went to Alan’s dad’s place for a quick check up. On the way home, we stopped at a winery we had never been to in the Ribbon R,idge AVA. Actually bought a bottle of Riesling which we never do… but it was so good! When I got home, though, I felt strangely over-peopled and shut myself in my office to recover. I studied, read poetry and planned my week.
I got up early this morning, as is usual, and did some great work on my Medium essay Cultivating Body Gratitude. Super important topic and I want to do it justice. I also made the menu and grocery list for next week and ran to the grocery store early enough to beat the crowd but not so early that I had to play frogger with the forklifts. Stocked up on a lot of veggies as I’m trying to move back into healthy eating. Spent most of rest of the day cleaning. Which is something I really like to do. I know, it’s weird, but I love my house to be tidy and organized. I’m still working on the organized part, but most of the time, I feel good about my progress. I also cut up a good portion of the veggies needed for this week’s recipes and enough to grab for snacks and lunches.
Cleaning, cooking, planning… this is all stuff I like to do. I’ve embraced that part of myself because it makes me so happy. Back in ancient times, I would have been a cottage or kitchen witch:) Speaking of kitchenry, I’m a little disappointed in my infused oils… they don’t smell as strongly as I would like. The lemon infused oil is lovely with chicken and salads, but the cinnamon, lavender and rosemary don’t really have a strong scent yet. I read that I was supposed to use dried rosemary instead of fresh, so that may explain that, but I have no clue as to why the cinnamon and lavender don’t smell yet. They are both dried and very strong. Maybe they will be ready in another week or so.
I took mom on a trip to the library for a fresh batch of movies and then out to coffee. Usually I don’t drink coffee in the afternoons, but the best part about this weekend is that it’s a three day weekend so it doesn’t really matter if I sleep or not tonight as tomorrow is another day and all I have on the agenda is baking some bread and finishing up the essay. I might even open my work in progress!
Almost forgot my intentions for next week…I want to hit every morning for meditation… My practice is very important to me and helps with staying mindful, so I want to work on that. Also, hit the gym four times!
Enjoy the three day if you get one and if you don’t, I am so sorry!
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