So how am I doing on some of my lofty January intentions? Let’s take a look…

*Get back into the habit of prepping meals. I love cooking and making sure there is healthy food in the fridge for lunches and the week’s dinners are planned gives me a sense of satisfaction and contentment. So four times this month, prep food for the week. I’ve done it for two weeks, so check.
• Take my YA novel, Puppet out of the proverbial closet, dust it off and go over it. Does the story still excite me? Am I heart-writing or just dialing it in? Nope.
• Continue to study plants and herbs and how to grow and use them. Nope
• Create a ritual filled morning of meditation, journaling and poetry. Yes, poetry. Yes. BOOM!
• Get back into a regular fitness routine. Running brings me joy and as I’m currently too out of shape to run, I need to start the baby steps that will get me back up to speed. (No pun intended.) I’m thinking three days a week for the next three weeks and then re-evaluate. And get in my ten thousand steps daily. YAS!
• Start attending WW meetings. YAS!
• Learn how to make salves, balms and lotions. Nope
• Write two essays for Medium. I’ve written one, so I am right on track.
• Make out our yearly vacation calendar—Baker City in February, my cousin in Tacoma, my cousin on Whidby Island, my husband’s cousins in San Diego, my aunt and uncle in Davenport, Washington and my husband’s aunt in San Francisco. And figure out how to pay for it all. Um, sort of? Still more to do on that.
• Continue with my activist work. This helps me feel as if I am connected to the wider community in creating a better world for all the grandchildren. I’m cutting back to three days a week to make more time for writing, so I want my activism to be more focused and meaningful. Meh
• Spend a couple hours at the library just browsing and reading. This brings me JOY! Not yet.
• Talk my daughter into going to the hot springs resort and getting a massage after with me. Shouldn’t be too hard. I haven’t made the reservations yet, but I need toooooo!
• Work through Mel Robbins Best Decade Ever series. I am all caught up!

Not too bad, actually. As for midweek… I really need to work more on my listening. I talked right over a co-worker today in a meeting and I felt awful after. How rude. I really need to make this a daily focus. I am doing much better with students, but could still improve.

And a very cool thing? I felt real joy at the gym today. I did my mobility exercises then walked on the treadmill. My Pandora station was rocking it today and I kept closing my eyes to meditate on the music and the experience of elevating my heart rate. It’s the first time I have ever done that and it was fabulous. Highly recommend!

I hope you are all rocking your intentions, resolutions, goals, etc!