Oh, yes, I totally dropped off the blogosphere, but November was a killer. I have two words for you… Nano Wrimo. Okay, that’s actually one word, but I wanted to emphasize the craziness that word brings.


But now that that’s over, my head is buzzing with blogging/book/writing related ideas. So currently, I am puzzling out, sussing, thinking and pondering some very interesting things.  I hope to share something soon, but at the moment will keep quiet and continue to allow my ideas to grow in the brain. Like fungus or mold, only hopefully not as toxic. And yes, I am perfectly aware that I’m rambling. I blame the pie.

But this month I’m going to post some very interesting interviews I’ve done with authors who have utilized the brave new world of publishing to branch out into other venues. I find this topic totally fascinating and I hope you do too. I interviewed author/agent Lois Winston, Author/book packager Lauren Oliver, author/writing mentor/business owner, Shirley Jump and author/publicist/media consultant, Rachel Thomson.

Exciting stuff!

I’ll be publishing these interviews throughout December, so check in often! Then In January, I will be making some very interesting announcements!!!