I’ve always been a rock and roll kind of girl. When I was about five, my babysitter introduced me to Sugar, Sugar by the Archies. Then I heard my very cool big brother and his friends listening to In A Gadda Da Vida by Iron Butterfly. I was hooked.

After my brother married and moved away, there was a dearth of good music until my parents bought me a little transistor radio when I was about ten and I heard Under Cover Angel. Then came a whole slew of hits: Dream Weaver, Silly Love Songs, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover, everything by the Eagles, etc. Songs that propelled me from childhood to teendom.

Then, as a teen, my mind was blown by Journey, Pink Floyd, The Cars, Def Leppard, Rush, Boston… the list goes on.

In fifth grade, I decided to play a musical instrument and I chose the flute because it sounded pretty. However it takes a lot of work to learn a musical instrument and I was more into horses at the time and though I finished out the school year in band, I decided it wasn’t for me.  Besides, in fifth grade I was obsessed with Elton John’s Yellow Brick Road and the disconnect between Benny and the Jets and the Streets of Laredo was just too vast.


As an adult, I discovered Alternative music and that was my passion for ages. I mean, COLLECTIVE SOUL! It was during writing Born of Illusion that I started listening almost exclusively to old jazz and during the Summerset Abbey series, I fell in love with ragtime.

Then I went even further back and now it’s all classical, all the time, which brings me to another item on my final third list… I want to learn how to play the flute. Yep, I have gone back to the lilting beauty of the flute and wish with all my heart that I could play the Streets of Laredo.

Life’s funny like that.

Of course, that will have to come after I finish school and write all the books, as mastering a musical instrument does take time and energy, of which I have little to spare right now. But it will happen and someday, I will rock the Streets of Laredo.


Photo courtesy of coward_lion and freedigitalphots.net