This final third blog series is basically me outlining what the last years of my life is going to look like. It has helped me clarify my own personal goals and serves as a reminder of why I’m doing what I’m doing. So while it may look like I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off, I’m actually moving ahead in a whirl of business.  So onward:

Related to getting my degree is this goal of my final third: I want to teach university level writing.

I came to my love of teaching late in life, but I realized that there were always two things I ended up doing… write and teach. I’ve been teaching children off and on for years, but last year I was offered an opportunity to teach at our local community college for their adult education program.

I absolutely love it.

I thought that my teaching talents were limited my age, but it turns out that I’m just a pretty durn good teacher. My evaluations have been great and I have multiple students who come back and take every class I offer.

So I have this dream… I get a master’s degree and continue to write my books and I teach at different universities and MFA programs around the country and the world. I get to see the places I’ve always wanted to see, live in foreign countries and different places and take in everything. That’s why my education is key to everything.











Professor Teri Brown

It could happen, right?



Photo courtesy of Serge Bertasius and