So I was totally going to do a blog on my first experience canning jam, but I had to can that for something else cause I lost the pix. (You notice that pun? Har.)

So as I navigate this week’s incredible highs, I decided to reflect on the ups and downs of the publishing journey. Enjoy!


High: Publishing your first novel!

Low: Waiting five years to sell another one.


High: Getting an agent!

Low: Realizing that you and that agent are not compatible.


High: Getting a fabulous review from someone who really gets the book!

Low: Getting a review from someone who completely missed the entire point.


High: Book launch!

Low: Post book launch collapse.


High: Feeling the writing flow from your finger tips from a magic never-ending well of creativity!

Low: Pulling words out of your brain one at a time and knowing that it would be easier to yank your teeth out with a pair of pliers.


High: Scoring a great promotional opportunity!

Low: Realizing that opportunity did absolutely nothing for your numbers.


High: Having a movie executive call you after a particularly productive meeting!

Low: Having nothing come from the meeting.


High: Getting the CALL!

Low: Months and months of crickets.


High: Getting an invite to a swanky  publishing cocktail party!

Low: Realizing that no one really wants to talk to you and having to go to the bathroom to check if your pits stink. (Oh, no one has ever had them happen to them? Me either. I just said that because… it happened to a friend of mine once.)


What are your publishing highs and lows?


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Break out the wine! @teribrownwrites dishes on publishing’s highs and lows! (Click to Tweet)

Publishing High: Getting the CALL! Publishing Low: Months and months of crickets. @teribrownwrites publishing highs and lows! (Click to Tweet)