My intention for last week was to meditate every morning and I believe I made it… a couple of days I didn’t use my app so I can’t track them, nor can I remember them but I believe I did. I’ve arranged my mornings so that the magic comes first. Well, okay, feeding the cats is first. They insist in a writhing mass of fur, loud meows and, from my formerly feral cat, a deep grateful purr. But the next fifty blissful minutes are mine and mine alone. What do I do? Meditate, journal, ponder, practice, poetry, gratitude. Breathe. No news, no social media, no planning. Only after I’ve done those things do I grab breakfast, more coffee, plan my day and get ready for work. That time is pretty much sacred.
Good thing too, because last week was incredibly busy. I had the vocational rehabilitation counselor out to the school to work with some of my students, several IEP meetings and a presentation, among a ton of off campus school meetings. Thursday alone, I had six meetings. SIX.
In spite of that, the mornings kept me grounded and I had less stress than you’d expect. And best of all, I managed to adhere to a fairly healthy diet and hit the gym three days.
Until yesterday. My husband is one year closer to retiring and to celebrate we bought tickets to see Kathleen Madigan and rented a hotel room downtown. I really love staycations… it’s close, you get to see and do new things and you can find great food that you generally can’t get out in the burbs. Yesterday included a peanut butter pickle burger at Killer Burger and a late-night snack of wings, grilled bread smothered with warm goat cheese and fig compote and chicken bites. Not exactly Weight Watchers friendly but so good. I imbibed in just a touch too much alcohol, though, and felt heavy headed this morning. Oh, and if you get a chance, go see Kathleen Madigan’s Happy Hour tour. Dear god, that woman is funny.
Best off all, that was my only obligation for the entire weekend. Saturday and Sunday will be dedicated to cleaning, baking, cooking and planning out my week. Maybe a couple walks with my puppy. Choosing between Lidia Yukanavitch’s The Chronology of Water or Chani Nicholas’ You Were Born for this. And maybe writing. No, definitely writing. Enjoy your weekend all!
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