Juncture: A particular, and often important, moment in time.
I was having a conversation with a dear friend, who, after many years of serving her family, is making major life changes and trying to figure out what it is that truly fulfills her. My advice ? Be careful what you wish for. Well, not exactly. Actually, I told her to be prepared for anything. That old hackneyed expression of finding yourself, especially for women, and especially for women in their forties, can mean many things. It could mean a complete career change. It could mean working full time and going back to school while juggling aging parents and grandchildren. It could mean moving across town or state or even to another country.
Like most things in life, it rarely means easy.
But it does mean recognizing a crucial juncture in your life and taking advantage of it, which is why I’m going to go back to school to get a degree in English Lit and New Media. The time came and even though it makes no sense, I recognized the moment. I don’t know how it will end, or if it will really end, (see my post on connections), but at least I recognized the beginning.
Action: Be aware of important junctures in my life and take advantage of them.
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