So I thought after the wedding and the kitchen remodel, (which isn’t exactly DONE, but done enough, if you know what I mean), that my life would calm down and things would go back to “normal”. Except of course, I don’t know what normal is anymore and either my life is still insane or my brain is losing the capacity to deal with every day occurrences.
But no matter, I want to take a minute and fill you in on the exciting things that are happening in Teri Land.
- The big news is that I’ve sold another book! No details right now, but I should be able to formally announce it sometime next week. I. AM. SO. EXCITED.
- I was asked to speak at The Dalles Middle School! I am doing an anti-bullying workshop… this makes me incredibly happy!
- I will be volunteering for NANOWRIMO in a very cool and unique way. More details to come on that, as well.
- The cover for Born of Deception is almost ready for its reveal. It is so… I can’t even. No words!
- I am collaborating with Professor Schrieber, a historical conjuror, on a historical/literary program for schools. It’s going to be EPIC and like nothing that has ever been done!
- I was contacted by the head of the arts department for our local community colleges community education program about teaching novel writing.
- I applied for a residency in the Puget sound and should hear back in mid November.
- I am expanding my web presence and will be putting out a real newsletter… again, details to come!
All these exciting things are making it difficult to focus on writing, but focus I must. I’m putting the finishing touches on my Born of Corruption novella, researching my BIG novel, and outlining the book I just sold. I will continue to update the blog and check back next week for my official, official announcement!
Hi Teri,
This is so very exciting news.
Congratulations on everything, except for the kitchen not being completely done